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You must notify MyGovindas within 15 minutes of placing the order if you decide to cancel your order by phone or email, preferably by phone and quote your order number. 

MyGovindas or the chef may cancel an order if the food item is not available for any reason. We will notify you if this is the case and return any payment that you have made.

If the cancellation was made in time and once MyGovindas has accepted your cancellation, we will refund or re-credit your debit or credit card with the full amount, which includes the initial delivery charge (wherever applicable) which you paid for the delivery of the order or the Services, as applicable.

Refunds may take up to 2 weeks, depending upon the mode of payment collection.Cras id mattis justo. Quisque felis purus, euismod sit amet metus vel, scelerisque lacinia velit. In placerat egestas dui nec dictum. Proin ut sem neque. Etiam ornare mollis odio sit amet cursus. Donec enim arcu, pharetra ut sapien ut, efficitur bibendum eros. Mauris sagittis commodo lectus, in porttitor nunc dictum ut. Fusce aliquet nibh diam, ut pharetra lorem vulputate eu. Nam sed suscipit lectus, pellentesque porttitor dolor. Nam mauris erat, aliquam vel leo vel, vehicula sagittis urna. Nullam ut velit vel leo ultricies elementum. Aliquam sodales porta ante, eu tristique dolor maximus in. Vivamus efficitur felis metus, et finibus mi tempor a. Integer dictum in turpis vel pulvinar. Fusce scelerisque semper dui, ac imperdiet velit viverra sit amet.
